Good egg, Bad egg?
This is a common source of confusion. The egg was initially shunned for it’s high cholesterol content, but over the past few years both the American Heart Association and British Heart Foundation have acknowledged the nutritional benefits of eggs. There are no restrictions on the number of eggs you can eat, providing it is part of a balanced diet, unless you have a rare condition known as 'Familial Hypercholesterolaemia'.
Despite the relatively high level of cholesterol in eggs (and shellfish), it does not equate to high levels of harmful cholesterol circulating in your bloodstream. The bad cholesterol (LDL) is higher in saturated fats such as red meat, full-fat dairy products, cakes and biscuits. The balance of good and bad cholesterol is complex and is closely related to exercise, weight, blood pressure and family genetics.
Eggs contain many essential nutrients and vitamins, high quality protein and protective caratanoids/lutein helpful for the brain, bones and vision.