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Implementing on April 1st 2024:


Appointment Fees (self-pay):


Face to Face (20-30 Minutes): £180-£220


Virtual Consultation (telephone or video): £120-£180 (10-30 minutes)


Home Visit £400-£550 (May vary depending on time and distance)


Medical letters/ Reports £50 (May vary depending on length)


Prescriptions £40 (Controlled Drugs £55)


Full Medical Health Screen from £850:


Bloods (over 40 different tests, including cancer markers)


Lung Function Test

Chest X-ray

ECG (heart tracing)


Includes 60 minute appointment with a full medical report, tailored advice and a telephone consultation follow-up.


Additional tests such as: Colonoscopy, CT coronary Angiogram, Ultrasound etc can be added depending on the patient’s risk profile


Direct billing to insurance companies will be adjusted to allow for lost claims.​


Cancellation policy:

If an appointment is missed, cancelled or changed with less than 24 hours notice, there will be at least a cancellation charge.

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